On Sunday, 14th May, between 3pm-6pm, we will be hosting a 'Volunteers' Memories' event at Holy Trinity Church Hall, Baker Street, Abergavenny. It is a chance to meet up with people you have not seen for ages and capture some of your thoughts on Vintage Vision. If you can, bring along a photo of yourself to go with your memories.  If you cannot make it on the day, we would  appreciate a few words by e-mail along with a picture of yourself. We will collate all the material into an album. If you want to see an example, take a look at what one of our volunteers Jo Perrin has to say here 

In true V.V. style, there will of course be the opportunity to drink tea from vintage cups and eat cake from vintage plates at tables laid with vintage linen whilst doing all this....

We really hope that you can join us; please let us know if you are coming, so that we can make enough cakes! (Just e-mail us on info@vintagevision.co.uk or give us a call on 07818168955)


Since 2009, Vintage Vision has been supporting women in dozens of different ways through the recycling of vintage fashion. None of that would have been possible without the generosity of all of our volunteers, with whose help we have achieved so much. We have run Vintage fayres, put on fashion shows, collected, sorted, cleaned, repaired, ironed donations, retailed donations, run workshops in schools and the community, visited care homes, captured stories, run sewing classes, held styling sessions, researched histories, collaborated with museums and universities, given talks, designed marketing material, hosted blogs, set up an online shop; never mind the shops in Abergavenny, Chepstow and Blaenavon, dressed windows, cleaned toilets, run vintage teas, showed at county fairs and given so much to each other. We have cried and laughed together and led richer lives for it.

We'd now like to celebrate all those amazing volunteers (that’s you!) who have been part of our incredible journey by capturing some thoughts on what Vintage Vision has meant to you. 



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